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Raising Gen Z

Gen Z is the newest generation. It is the name given to the children who were born between 1995 and 2015 which makes their current age somewhere between 4-24 years old. Generation Z often referred to as Digital Natives or the i Generation which is a technical term given to them because they came after generation Y. They are also known as the Millennial.

Most of Generation Z buzz with social media as they have used the Internet since their young ages and are comfortable with technology and social media. According to one study done in the USA, Gen Z spends an average of 4 hours and 15 minutes on their phones each day that makes them technology buff. They are driving less and preferring staying home instead of hanging out with their friends and families or playing outside.

They present a different set of challenges for their parents who are confused by their children & tendencies and some worry about the implications for their futures. However, any sensible parents need not worry. As they say “gyani boodha nahi hota aur gyan purana nahi hota (A knowledgeable never gets old, nor real knowledge ever gets older). Hence, parents needn’t pick up any undue stress for themselves or place any on their children.

This generation has the potential to open doors for new exciting things. Parents just need to show more patience, love and nurturing attitudes toward them. Parents need not compare them with their childhood limitations rather must try to understand them and provide a space for them to blossom and help them to create what they ought to create with better understanding.

The choices of this generation are quite grown-up and thoughtful. According to one study, they tend to experiment less with alcohol, sexual activity, and drugs. On the surface level, they might look like they’re on a slower track to “grow up,” but they are actually far more pragmatic and intentional with their extracurricular lifestyles and decisions. Hence, believe in them, give them more space and do not try to put many restrictions. It is better to engage them more with extra-curricular activities rather than limiting to academics only.

~ Kajal Rathi

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