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All Food Is Good

For many of us, diet is all about starvation, ‘Eat less, Gain less’. We never think about the nutritional value of what we eat, rather we focus on just calories. Nowadays, people are very fascinated with herbal diet, detox diet, a compensatory diet which is low carb, low protein, low fat and so on. We consider them safe but the fact is whatever is eaten at the right time and in the right quantity is good for you. All foods contain nutrients that have their own role to play. Carbohydrates are responsible for providing our body with the energy but the low carb diet has become a status symbol, it leads to depletion of serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of wellbeing, happiness, and satisfaction. In fact, fat cannot be utilized for energy in the absence of carbs. One thing we should care about is the ‘Glycemic Index’.

Proteins are essential to build and repair our body. In recent years, there has been a protein craze in the dieting world. People often forget that in the absence of carbs and fats, proteins will be rendered useless and if you consume it too much at one time, it is converted to fat. ‘Fats’ – a big no for today’s fitness freaks. In the urge to achieve perfection we are doing so many imperfect things, like banning fats from our diet. Fat is the only nutrient that can help us survive through the toughest phase of our life. I still remember my mother used to tell me and still she does “if you want to keep the face and body from aging…ghee Khao”. How true, fats provide moisture to your skin and lubricate your joints. Diets have to be personalized, it should be planned according to our age, lifestyle, activities, fitness levels, etc. Set some rules for yourself like eat at the right time, exercise regularly, drink an ample amount of water, sleep well, enjoy all types of food and be happy. Now, no more sugar-free jalebis or low-fat pakoras as the mantra of a healthy life is ‘DON’T DIET, EAT RIGHT’.

~ Sonia Saraswat

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